Sharing what’s real as a 20-something in 2017.

A co-worker and I recently interviewed a designer to join our creative team and this interview turned into a spiritual message for us.

Let me explain…we asked her to tell us about one of her proudest projects and she began to elaborate about how she now only takes on jobs that she genuinely loves and believes in which lead to her story. The co-worker and I were so touched by her story that we needed 10 minutes after the interview to wrap our head around that discussion and remind ourselves what really matters in life.

We all know there is societal pressure to be and to do things in a certain way BUT no one ever talks openly about how it’s it okay to not have your shit together or that the only great part about your crazy week was that you were able to eat that chocolate croissant for breakfast even though you had $15 left in your account until the next paycheck.

I wanted to shed some light on what’s real and asked different people in their 20’s what’s up.
We all don’t know what the fuk will happen a week, month or year but fck it.


Do you think you have your shit together?
I guess if it think about I have an idea of how I want my life to go. Which direction it should be running in, choices I make. So in a weird way I do feel like I have some of my shit together. but in terms of societal standards, I definitely don’t have my shit together. I’m graduating soon and I don’t have a job lined up, I don’t know where I’m gonna live. it’s kind of all over the place right now.

Tell me something good that happened recently.
Last night I went to Secret Cinema, here in London, and they were doing a live performance of Baz luhrman’s moulin Rouge. It was so cool. and in the event you can’t have your phones out (they give you this plastic bag to zip your phone up in) because they want to keep the cinema secret (I totally recommend this for people to check out and go to) but in not having my phone and being there while everyone is dressed up in 19th century Parisian fashion, it felt so cool and it felt good. And I felt present.

Tell me something bad that happened recently.
Something bad. that’s tough. I try really hard not to dwell on this kind of thing and I try to make shitty situations or occurrences work out for the better. But recently I was loading 35mm film onto a reel to process it and in the dark I drop the film and had to fidget around for it (in the dark). I was super petrified that I was going to ruin my project and my pictures. I ended up finding it and loading it on the reel. But in that instance that felt like a terrible thing. I think the reason it went over well in the end is because I kept myself calm, as difficult as that was. In all types of situations that are bad I try to keep myself calm cause in most cases if it isn’t life or death, it can be resolved. I guess I find some comfort in that.

Are you happy with your current situation right now at this very moment?
I am. I feel good within myself and about myself. I spent some time trying to get to this point and of course I’m not 100% there but I have friends and a family that makes me feel at peace with who I am. Obviously I wish there were other things happening in my life. it’s human nature to keep on wanting what we don’t have. But in the grand scheme of how things could be going, yes I am happy.

What advice would you give your future self?
I would tell my future self to not be afraid. To say what it is I want to say. To not fear rejection or disappointment because the feeling of never doing or never saying–the feeling of regret hurts far more.


Do you think you have your shit together?
I’ve never really liked the saying “having your shit together”. It makes me feel I’m supposed to have certain things done by a certain time. I’m 23 and I don’t have a degree but I do own a successful business. I don’t have a car (I don’t even know how to drive!) but I’ve been to 8 countries. I was always really stressed thinking that I needed to catch up to people my age; graduating college, getting married, working a corporate job, starting a family. Once I stopped comparing my achievements to other people, the weight fell off my shoulders and I was finally able to grow at my own pace and in my own terms.

Tell me something good that happened recently.
I tried Shabu Shabu with my fiancé for the first time. It’s a Japanese dish where raw meats, vegetables, and noodles are cooked quickly in a broth and dipped in various sauces. I know it’s something small but being able to try new things with someone you love strengthens your bond.

Tell me something bad that happened recently.
I’m very happy to say that the only bad thing that’s happened recently is that I lost all my pants and the only two I had ripped because of my thighs haha.

Are you happy with your current situation right now at this very moment?
I feel fortunate to be where I’m at in my life. I had a very humble upbringing from amazing immigrant parents that always did their best for us. We didn’t have a lot of money but we did have ambition and a willingness to learn. I love my life but I’m working hard to give a better life for my family and myself.

What advice would you give your future self?
I would tell my future self to remember to look up from the screens or work and actually SEE your surroundings! You never know what you’re missing when you’re focused on your work or binging on puppy videos.


Do you think you have your shit together?

Tell me something good that happened recently.
I had to lead a salsa class in a show recently and was super nervous about it but it went alright in the end.

Tell me something bad that happened recently.
It’s the end of school so people are saying goodbye forever out of nowhere which sucks a lot.

Are you happy with your current situation right now at this very moment?
About to get my masters, eating 3 meals a day, got my own flat for a bit longer; yeah stuff is pretty good.

What advice would you give your future self?
That is by definition impossible.
Hopefully, future Carlos will have developed his interpersonal skills to a better level, get some actual job experience, and know if academia is really the path for him.


Do you think you have your shit together?
Pretty much, I feel accomplished.

Tell me something good that happened recently.
I met a guy, and within an hour he offered me and my friend a ride on a private plane, a couple of hours later I was flying the plane.

Tell me something bad that happened recently.
My friend threw up in the plane, and it smelled awful.

Are you happy with your current situation right now at this very moment?
Very, going on another trip in 4 hours.

What advice would you give your future self?
Continue to write down your mistakes, so you don’t forget them, and don’t do them again.


Do you think you have your shit together?
I certainly do not have my shit together.

Tell me something good that happened recently.
I got an internship for the summer that I’m really excited about!

Tell me something bad that happened recently.
I realized that there will always be people that are smarter than me or more successful than me but I’m trying to learn that that’s ok.

Are you happy with your current situation right now at this very moment?
I’ve basically put my life on hold to study abroad so right now I’m extremely happy with my situation. I feel like the minute I step back into America all of that will change and life’s responsibilities and stressors will hit me like a train. I’m going to be entering my senior year of college this fall and I feel like I have to choose what the rest of my life will be like in just a matter of months.

What advice would you give your future self?

Stop comparing yourself to others. And stop rushing life. Sit back and relax a little.

Thanks for reading.
Until next time 😉

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